Christow Community Shop opening soon!
The Christow Community Land Trust (or CCLT) is a not-for-private-profit organisation that was set up to benefit a specific community – Christow and its environs. It is independently run by volunteers from the community who form its board of directors. Anyone can become a member if they are 16 years old or above, support the aims of the CCLT, and buy one share for £1. A member of the CCLT has a vote at members’ meetings including voting on who should be a director. The CCLT is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority, registration number 31683 R.
The CCLT’s initial aim was to provide affordable housing for people with a strong local connection to our village. This was achieved in 2017 with the completion of 18 passivhaus dwellings in Stafford Close. These houses are mostly for rental and are managed by Teign Housing Association.
You can watch a time-lapse video of the construction of Stafford Close
The CCLT obtains an income from ground rents on Stafford Close, sufficient to cover the Trust’s running costs and provide a small income for other projects.
Community Grants
The CCLT distributes a portion of its annual income in the form of community grants. If you are seeking funding for an activity or project that will benefit the local community you can apply by downloading this grant application form.
The initial priority for the CCLT was land for housing at Stafford Close (rental and shared ownership) using a housing needs survey to establish number and mix. However, the scope of the Trust provides a vehicle for the CCLT to own, develop and protect other property and land and other schemes of benefit to the village and its environs. Following the successful completion of Stafford Close, this is now our focus and you can read about our completed projects here or look out for occasional updates in the local Unity magazine. We would also welcome new ideas for projects.
Christow Community Shop opening soon!
Becoming a Member
A Community Land Trust is owned, run and for the benefit of a geographical community (in this case Christow and surrounding area), so it needs local members to join and help achieve great things. Each member has one, equal vote at general meetings, and can put themselves forward as a board member. If you are interested in finding out more, or you want to become a member (it costs just £1 for life), contact a member of the Board. Download the application form to apply.
Can you help us with a project or as a director? If you want to get more involved in our work please get in touch with any of the board members.
The CCLT is managed by its elected, volunteer directors, who together make up the CCLT Board (up to eight members). Directors normally serve for a three-year term following election by CCLT members at an annual general meeting of the Trust, which takes place in September each year. As well as initiating and supporting new projects, the directors are responsible for making sure the Trust is properly run and that we send in our company tax return, annual report to the FCA, pay our insurance premiums etc.
The CCLT is run according to its registered Rules and Standing Orders. We also maintain a Safeguarding Policy and a Data and Privacy Policy
Our current board of directors comprises: Corony Edwards (chair), Jude Jones (vice chair), Maggie Bonnell (Secretary); Penny Clapham (Treasurer); Andy Cook (Membership Secretary); Jo Twelvetrees; David Taylor; Paul French.
Contact us by email at
Download our most recent newsletters (pdf):
There is an Annual General Meeting for all members. The next AGM is scheduled for 7.30 pm Thursday 12th September 2024. Members will receive a formal notice of the meeting, an agenda and voting papers by email in August 2024. Here are the unapproved minutes of the September 2023 AGM.
The next Board of Directors meeting date is 3rd July 2024.