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The Children’s Country Club is a nature based club covering all aspects of country life for 6 – 11 year olds. It has been run by Mrs Sue Griffin for almost 20 years on a voluntary basis. The club usually meets in the Teign Valley Community Hall from 5pm to 7pm on Tuesdays during school …
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1st Teign Valley is open to all young people in the local area and meets in the Bridford Village Hall. Beavers (6-8yrs) start at 5.15 on Thursdays, Cubs (8-10yrs) also meet on Thursday at 6.30pm, with Scouts (10-14 yrs) starting at 7.30pm on Wednesday. Please contact if you want your child(ren) to join. They may have …
Messy Church is a new, fun way of being at church for the whole family and others, and happens in the Teign Valley Community Hall on a Saturday afternoon, generally twice a term – look out for the dates. Sessions include fun and creative craft activities, a short Bible story and song, and a simple …